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We target to breed sheep resistant, with easy reproduction even in hard conditions under the open sky, needing minimum of human help. We prefer health to meat production, nevertherless, our herd belongs to the top in CZ according to productivity, overriding many specialised meat producing breeders.

  1. No special dish
    Animals (including rams) get no vitamin or other supplements, nor mixtures, neither grains at anytime. Mineral needs are fully coverd by quality lick and rock salt.
  2. Culling
    We cull ewes fatten, barren, with serious (vet needed) or repeated health issues, with wrong maternal behavior, or with unsatisfactory productivity.
  3. Choosing for breeding
    We do not breed lambs coming from triples, daughters of mothers with repeated triples, daughters of mothers culled because of health issues and lambs which needed human help to survive.
  4. Parasite resistance
    We minimise frequency of treatment with wormer so that we can discover and cull sensitive animals.
  5. Rams
    We use rams mainly of our own production and we add chosen rams from outside to diverse the gene pool time to time. We breed all eight ram lines older then 2003. We think not all the younger ram lines come from similarly hard nature conditions and bear the same resistance. Many of them were chosen mainly because of their high meat productability and therefor should be wisely combined with the older ones.

(revision 01-2017)


We offer 60-100 breeding female lambs prepared for tupping yearly. Detailed information available from the begining of June. A big part is usually reserved till the end of July. The export is possible from the begining of October to the begining of November.
Continuously we offer breeding rams. We send actual offer at your demand.
All breeding animals are 100% Romney with pedigree.


We support activities of NGO's
Sdružení Krajina
Medecins Sans Frontieres


Anna Daďourková
IČ: 211 49 801
Počítky č.p. 3
591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou 1
Czech Republic